Inspirational Quotes that will Uplift and Motivate You

Be encouraged by these inspirational quotes, you will find uplifting and motivating words that you may reflect on and share with others. These inspiring quotations truly reflect the thinking and lives of the greatest and best of successful and influential authors, business people, leaders, speakers, and people of all walks of life. 

We must strive to live with purpose. When we live with purpose, we feel good inside. Brenda Nathan, Gratitude Journal: A Daily Appreciation 

If you know what you want to achieve in life, then you are more inspired to change for the better. Josh David, People Skills Guide 

We are not stuck in the ruts of destiny, we have the power to break free, clear our vision and see a new life for ourselves. Tony Clark 

Focusing on others' achievements inspired me. S. Kumar, Teamwork: Your Key To Exponential Growth 

Quotes are really beneficial because they can inspire you to make your life better but you must first read them. Paul Brown, The 1000 Best Quotes Of All Time 

From ancient to now, when things get tough, lots of people turn to looking for wisdom for a bit of inspiration. Marie Moss, 365 Great Quotes to Lift Up Your Life 
Wise Quotes 

A centerpiece of the event, as old as American education itself, is the commencement speech. At their best, these speeches furnish students with wise and inspiring advice for the future. Ze'ev Chafets, Remembering Who We Are: A Treasury of Conservative Commencement Addresses 

Determination is an inside job, but inspiration comes from the outside. Barbara Aberc 

It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live. J.K. Rowling 

"Feelings inspire people to act." Chip Heath; Dan Heath, Made to Stick 

How many times have you read wonderfully inspiring things, agreed completely, and done NOTHING with it? Martin Nagle, Being Happy ...: the 10 most successful strategies 

I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions. Stephen Covey 

So many occasions, big and small, call on us to provide words of wisdom, compassion or inspiration - to say just the right thing at just the right time. Burman MacPherson, Inspirational Bible Passages 

We are not merely scripted by our circumstances; we can become the creative forces of our lives, capable of optimizing sometimes even unseen possibilities. Stephen M. R. Covey 

Some of us like a challenge, others an easy life. Some think of life as a Vale of Tears, others as a Fun Fair. Some have a clear idea of their goals, others prefer to wait for inspiration. Kris Deva North, A Winners Alphabet: An A thru Z of Inspiration on How To Get What You Want 

We generally change ourselves for one of two reasons: inspiration or desperation. Jim Rohn 
Jim Rohn Quotes 

Read books that inspire you. Use affirmations. You can rewrite your patterns to become what you choose. Andrew Matthews, Being Happy! 

Never regret. If it's good, it's wonderful. If it's bad, it's experience. Victoria Holt 

Those three words were spoken to the young Lincoln as his mother was dying. Calling the boy to her, and tenderly stroking his face with her fingers, Lincoln's mother said: "Be somebody, Abe!" The inspiration of those words took Lincoln from a log cabin to the White House. They inspired him to think, study, grow. Wilfred Peterson 

It is often not the words but the message behind the words that makes a quote so meaningful. Even the shortest of quotations can convey the most powerful of messages, provide meaningful perspective, and impart hard-won wisdom. Paul Ayoub, Inspire Me! 
Inspirational Messages 

The attainment of a genuine peace should not be beyond the reach of human wisdom inspired by human goodwill. Winston S. Churchill, The World Crisis, Vol. 1 

Problem solving skills have nothing to do with luck. Too often people who view the success of an individual or organization from outside looking in do not see the work that went into moving the yardsticks forward or in designing a new approach to a business model or in persevering when thousands of others would have given in and quit. Byron Pulsifer, Problem Solving Skills 

It is impossible for you to be angry and laugh at the same time. Anger and laughter are mutually exclusive and you always have the power to choose either. Marge Powers, Anger: What's Up With That? 

To develop courage when you are facing an audience, act as if you already have it." Dale Carnegie, Develop Self-Confidence, Improve Public Speaking 

Animals can inspire us to be less busy, more present, less worried, more joyful, and more passionate about life. They will never judge us for the things we do or don't do. Kristen Moeller, Waiting for Jack 

Leadership is about inspiring and enabling others to do their absolute best together to realize a meaningful and rewarding shared purpose. George B. Bradt; Jayme A. Check; John A Lawler, The New Leader's 100-Day Action Plan 

If you persuade yourself that you can do a certain thing, provided this thing be possible, you will do it, however difficult it may be. If, on the contrary, you imagine that you cannot do the simplest thing in the world, it is impossible for you to do it, and molehills become for you unscalable mountains." Emile Coué 
Believe In Yourself 

When you ask these successful and accomplished individuals about their turning points and listen carefully, you will often hear truly enlightening and inspirational stories -stories that can serve as a shining beacon of light to us all. Bernie Swain, What Made Me Who I Am 
Inspirational Stories 

We begin doing things because of a motive; we continue doing them because of both motive and habit; but there may come a time when motive is forgotten and we continue on because of established habit. Andrew Carnegie 

When we take on the attitude of "arriving", we surrender our growth, productivity and meaningfulness along with the opportunity to joyfully thrive. Lee M. Brower 

Kindness and compassion are among the principal things that make our lives meaningful. They are a source of lasting happiness and joy. Dalai Lama 

The life story of Nelson Mandela is worth retelling. His personal triumphs against adverse conditions are sources of inspiration. His attitude and actions are worth emphasizing, as they can be lessons that any leader can learn from. Richard J. Bowerman, Nelson Mandela: 10 Leadership Lessons from Mandela's Life 
Nelson Mandela Quotes 

When dealing with people, let us remember we are not dealing with creatures of logic. We are dealing with creatures of emotion, creatures bristling with prejudices and motivated by pride and vanity. Dale Carnegie 

We have learned that "more" is not necessarily "better," that even our great nation has its recognized limits, and that we can neither answer all questions nor solve all problems . . . we must simply do our best. Jimmy Carter, Keeping Faith: Memoirs of a President 

As adults we have an obligation to guide our children and to encourage them to read books that will improve their lives and inspire them to excel in life. Dr. Marshall Hennington, Words of Wisdom For My Daughter 

Children have room for heroes in their lives. They naturally need someone to look up to, someone they can model themselves after, and someone to inspire them. Arthur Kornhaber M.D., The Grandparent Guide 

There is more hunger for love and appreciation in this world than for bread. Mother Teresa 

Jefferson had a remarkable capacity to marshal ideas and to move men, to balance the inspirational and the pragmatic. To realize his vision, he compromised and improvised. Jon Meacham, Thomas Jefferson: The Art of Power 
Thomas Jefferson Quotes 

Churchill quickly distinguished himself through his ability to inspire the citizens and troops of the United Kingdom, delivering, in short order, several of his most famous speeches soon after taking office. Michael Winicott, Winston Churchill: Leadership Lessons 
Random Quotes 

To not live in regret or fear that my past determines the beauty or success of my future, has been one of my life's greatest lessons. Kendra Tillman

Let your birthday be an inspirational time to remind you to live each day with passion. Catherine Pulsifer 

Showing gratitude toward your family, friends, and all of those with whom you come into contact is an important part of maintaining healthy relationships with them. Claire Shannon, Gratitude: Feel Grateful Today and Every Day 
Gratitude Quotes 

Inspire others to new levels of achievement by using positive encouraging feedback and ideas. Meir Liraz, How to Improve Your Leadership and Management Skills 

While she was a controversial figure due to her stance against contraception, Mother Teresa was greatly admired for her charitable works and became a figure of inspiration around the world. Scarlett Johnson, Mother Teresa: 40 Inspirational Life Lessons And Timeless Wisdom From The Life Of Mother Teresa 
Mother Teresa Quotes 

Giving your presence might be the best Christmas gift you could give someone this year. Ken Fite 

Imagine a world in which everybody first considers how the action or inaction that they plan to take would affect the next person, and proceed only when they are confident that the action or inaction would not affect the next person or would only affect them in a positive and delightful manner! Phnuel Muverengwi, Why My Life Matters: This Might Inspire You!

Achieving a big goal is often similar to driving in a thick fog because when you move towards your goal, you don't need to know the entire way but you just need to know how to take the next step. Andrii Sedniev, The Achievement Factory: How to Fulfill Your Dreams and Make Life an Adventure 

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