What Does The Grace of God do for Christians?


Grace of God

To understand this question, let me first describe what the grace of God is. This will help us to deal with the misconception some people have about the word grace, especially as it concerns Christians.

Grace is the unmerited favor and benefit that God bestows on us because of His love and mercy. Grace is not earned by good deeds, but is given freely as a gift from God. Grace is the source of all our salvation and the key to eternal life.

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Grace is the ability to accept and forgive others, even when they have done something wrong. Grace is also the ability to keep going even when things are tough, and to forgive yourself for your mistakes.

Why should we seek the grace of God?

Grace is the eternal gift of God that makes us acceptable to Him. It is the power that enables us to overcome our weaknesses and sin. Grace is not a feeling, but an action. It is the empowering power that enables us to do good despite our shortcomings. It is the strength to persevere in spite of difficulties. Grace is a deposit that God makes into our hearts as we trust in Him. It is the source of our strength and our ability to do the right thing.

One of the ways the Grace of God helps us grow is by teaching us to trust Him. The grace of God leads us to believe that God will always help us and guide us in the right direction. The grace of God also teaches us to have faith in God's forgiveness and mercy. The grace of God helps us to understand that God is always concerned.

What Grace Does in Christian Life

1. Grace trains us to live sensibly

This is the word that we have repeatedly encountered in Titus (1:8; 2:2, 4, 5, 6), which means, living in a self-controlled manner, not yielding to various passions and impulses. It is synonymous with the last of the fruits of the Spirit, which is self-control.

2. Grace trains us to live righteously

This refers to a life of integrity and uprightness in your dealings with others. It means conforming to God’s standards of conduct, as revealed in the commandments of His Word.

3. Grace trains us to live Godly

This refers to holiness and devotion to God, beginning on the heart level. It means to live a God-ward life, knowing that He examines your heart. 

How can we receive it?

Grace is not something we earn or deserve, but something that God freely gives to us as a free gift. Grace is not a one-time event, but a continual gift from God that helps us grow in our relationship with Him.

Characteristics of a person filled with God's Grace

Christians who are filled with the grace of God should be God-fearing and humble. They should display the fruit of the Spirit given in Galatians 6: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, and self-control. While no Christians possess these qualities perfectly, we must and will continually grow in them as a result of the Spirit's work in us.

Final Thought

In conclusion, grace is a gift that we don't deserve, and yet we still need it. We're called to live by faith, and this means trusting in God's love and mercy.

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